Monday, October 19, 2009


来る11月28日(土)午後1時、29日(日)午後3時30分からの2回上映予定。Maxが上映後のQ&Aに参加予定です。(残念ながらレイコはビデオレターのみの出席)会場は岡山デジタルミュージアム。(JR岡山駅西口)地図 お近くにお住まいの方、是非見に来て下さい。詳しい情報は右上の映画祭サイトをご覧下さい。

There will be a Japan premiere screening of The GateKeeper of Enmyoin in Okayama FF on November 28th (1pm) and 29th (3:30pm). Max will be there for the q&a's. Come see the film if any of you guys happen to be around Okayama city where Ojusan (the protagonist) used to be walking around. (at Okayama Digital Museum, west-side of JR Okayama Station)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009



Time Warner Oceanic - VOD in September

broadcast seemed be successful... though we haven't heard the tally yet. But at least we saw a bit of increased dvd orders in the month of September. Thanks for all who watched the film. Feel free to comment here.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


We've made a blog page on our documentary, "The GateKeeper of Enmyoin." We'll post what's happening on the film and around the Enmyoin temple.